Publishing à la française: Frédéric Boyer, Atiq Rahimi & Marie Darrieussecq

Talk and Screening

Talented French publisher and film director Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, founder of POL, died in January 2018. In a series of pop-up readings introduced by writer and translator Frédéric Boyer, two of Paul's authors, Goncourt prize winner Atiq Rahimi and Medicis prize winner Marie Darrieussecq, will be joined by guests Catriona Seth, Adrian Rifkin, Christopher MacLehose, Dominic Glynn and Stefan Tobler, who will read from some of the best authors he published: Georges Perec, Marguerite Duras, Jean-Louis Schefer, Olivier Cadiot, Emmanuelle Pagano, Emmanuel Carrère...

Followed by an exceptional screening, in French, of Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens' film Editeur.

Related / Latest Publications:
Marie Darrieussecq, Pig Tales, translated by Linda Coverdale (Faber&Faber, June 2003)
Marie Darrieussecq, Being Here is Everything, translated by Penny Hueston (Semiotext(e), April 2018)
Atiq Rahimi, The Patience Stone, translated by Polly McLean (Vintage, January 2011)
£7, conc. £5

Learn more about
Atiq Rahimi Frédéric Boyer Marie Darrieussecq Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens