The Red Collar

dir. Jean Becker, 2018, 83 mins

Adapted from The Red Collar by Prix Goncourt winner Jean-Christophe Rufin, Jean Becker’s WW1 drama tells the story of a war hero, held prisoner in an abandoned barracks under the crushing heat of summer, and awaiting his interrogation by a corrupt judge to the sound of his mangy dog barking night and day.

Preceded by an introduction by Adriana Hunter, who translated Jean-Christophe Rufin’s novel The Red Collar from French to English

Related / Latest Publications:
Jean-Christophe Rufin, The Red Collar, translated by Adriana Hunter (Europa Editions, July 2015)
Jean-Christophe Rufin, The Santiago Pilgrimage: Walking the Immortal Way, translated by Malcolm Imrie (MacLehose Press, April 2017)
£11, conc. £9

Learn more about
Adriana Hunter Jean-Christophe Rufin